Esse texto bem técnico precisou de pesquisa da minha parte para achar termos e conceitos da lei brasileira equivalentes em inglês. É constituído de breve apontamentos a respeito dos elementos da ação no direito brasileiro, que pode ajudar leitores estrangeiros interessados no sistema jurídico brasileiro, especialmente advogados ou tradutores jurídicos. Também pode ajudar estudantes do direito brasileiro ou pessoas leigas que querem saber como funciona uma petição.
Os elementos da ação servem para a identificação da ação, o que torna possível a prevenção da sua repetição em juízo, impossibilitando, destarte, a ocorrência da litispendência (mesma ação proposta quando outra idêntica está em curso), ou mesmo evitar a ocorrência da coisa julgada (quando a mesma ação é proposta após ter sido julgada anteriormente). Uma ação é idêntica à outra quando tem as mesmas partes, a mesma causa de pedir e o mesmo pedido.
Os elementos da ação servem para a identificação da ação, o que torna possível a prevenção da sua repetição em juízo, impossibilitando, destarte, a ocorrência da litispendência (mesma ação proposta quando outra idêntica está em curso), ou mesmo evitar a ocorrência da coisa julgada (quando a mesma ação é proposta após ter sido julgada anteriormente). Uma ação é idêntica à outra quando tem as mesmas partes, a mesma causa de pedir e o mesmo pedido.
importante estudar os elementos da ação porque estes se encontram
entre os requisitos da petição inicial e levam ao reconhecimento
dos elementos indispensáveis para evitar o indeferimento desta.
elementos da ação: partes,
pedido (mérito) e
causa de pedir.
ativo ->
passivo -> réu
autores -> litisconsórcio ativo
réus -> litisconsórcio passivo
autores + vários réus ->
litisconsórcio misto
na pretensão deduzida em juízo pelo autor (ou mais tarde no processo, pelo réu).
imediato: confunde-se com o Provimento solicitado. Pode ser
Declaratório (Explicativo. Criado para consertar ou elucidar o que antes estava incerto ou duvidoso), Condenatório (sentença ou julgamento que condena alguém a fazer, dar, or pagar algo, ou que declara que seu pedido ou pretensões são infundadas) ou Constitutivo (cria ou modifica uma relação jurídica - há a criação de um novo estado jurídico).
mediato: Constitui o próprio bem material ou imaterial almejado.
Como, por exemplo, a entrega de certo imóvel ou o recebimento de
determinado crédito.
que haja identidade de ações, quer para fins de litispendência ou
de coisa
julgada, é necessário que, além da identidade das partes e da
causa de pedir, tanto o pedido mediato quanto o imediato tem que ser
de pedir
Fato jurídico que ampara a pretensão deduzida em juízo, bem como seus efeitos. Em outras palavras, é a explicação do porquê se pede alguma coisa em juízo.
Fato jurídico que ampara a pretensão deduzida em juízo, bem como seus efeitos. Em outras palavras, é a explicação do porquê se pede alguma coisa em juízo.
fundamento jurídico não se entende a citação de textos legais ou
normativos, argumentos
de doutrina ou jurisprudência (tanto é que ações sem estas citações não são ineptas). As citações são necessárias para
produzir o convencimento,
porém, não são obrigatórias.
causa de pedir pode ser:
se confunde com o fato jurídico que ampara a pretensão.
consiste nos efeitos do fato jurídico.
verificação da similitude de ações também é exigido que a causa
de pedir próxima e remota sejam idênticas. Ações
idênticas pressupõem identidade de partes, do pedido
(mediato/imediato) e da causa de pedir (próxima e remota).
ação dá ensejo à defesa. O princípio do contraditório ensina que ações não são unilaterais e a outra parte tem o direito de agir para se defender. Se
para a propositura da ação são indispensáveis a legitimidade e o
interesse de agir, o mesmo deve ocorrer com a defesa.
Tipos de defesa
Tipos de defesa
Forma mais corriqueira de defesa, o réu insurge-se contra pretensão
deduzida na petição inicial (pode alegar, ainda, falta de condição da ação
ou deficiência processual ou procedimental).
O réu amplia o tema a ser decidido, trazendo pretensão relacionada
com a deduzida pelo Autor, e a ser decidida pelo mesmo Juízo.
exceções em sentido estrito (exceções que não podem ser alegadas pelo juíz) o autor alega fatos como:
Incompetência: Apenas para incompetência relativa. Não pode ser conhecida de ofício e a sua não-oposição acarreta prorrogação da competência.
Impediment: Em regra, as hipóteses de impedimento referem-se a uma relação interna com o processo.
Suspeição: refere-se a uma relação externa ao processo. É algo que afeta a imparcialidade do juiz e que encontra-se fora do processo.
exceções são classificadas em exceção processual (deficiências
no direito de ação, na relação processual ou no procedimento) e
exceção substancial (voltada ao mérito da demanda). Podem
ser diretas (defesa contra a própria pretensão em si) ou indiretas
(alegações de fato impeditivo, modificativo ou extintivo do direito
do autor).
aos efeitos as Exceções (defesas) podem ser:
Dilatórias: há
simples dilação do curso do processo, como no caso de exceção de
suspeição ou incompetência do juízo.
Peremptórias: busca
extinguir a relação jurídico-processual, como no caso de se alegar
a ocorrência de coisa julgada.
This rather technical text required some research on my part in order to find equivalent terms in English for Brazilian law terminologies and concepts. It serves as a brief overview of the elements of an action in Brazilian law, which might help foreign readers who are interested in the Brazilian legal system, particularly lawyers or legal translators; it might also assist either Brazilian law students or interested laypeople in understanding how a court action works.
The elements of actions serve to identify them, which enables repetition in judgement to be prevented, making, thus, the incidence of lis pendens impossible (when the same proposed action is identical to the current), or even to avoid the incidence of the res judicata (when the same action is proposed after it has been judged previously). An action is identical to another when it has the same parts, the same cause of action and the same request.
It is important to study the elements of an action because these are among the requisites of an initial request, and lead to the recognition of its essential elements, ensuring that the initial application is not refused.
These are the elements of an action: parties, request (merits) and cause of action.
active subject-> plaintiff
passive subject-> defendant
several plaintiffs-> coplaintiffs
several defendants-> codefendants
several plaintiffs + several defendants-> coparty
This consists of the claim on behalf of the plaintiff, or the defendant if the action is at a later stage.
It comprises:
Immediate request: This is the law article upon which the petition is based. It can be declaratory (explanatory; designed to fix or elucidate what before was uncertain or doubtful), condemnatory (sentence or judgment which condemns someone to do, to give, or to pay something, or which declares that his claim or pretensions are unfounded) or constitutive (creates or modifies a legal relationship - a new legal status is created).
Indirect request: This constitutes the material things or immaterial things wanted. For example, the delivery of certain property or the receiving of determined credit.
For there to be identical actions, for lis pendens or for res judicata to occur, it is necessary that, besides the parts and cause of action being identical, the indirect and immediate requests are also identical.
Causes of Action
Legal fact that supports the claim being made, as well as its effects. In other words, it is the explanation for why something is requested in court.
Legal basis is not the citation of legal or prescriptive texts, arguments of doctrine or jurisprudence. Such citations are necessary to produce a conviction, though they are not compulsory (if this wasn't so, actions without such sitations would be inept).
The cause of action can be:
Near: basis of the legal fact that supports the claim.
Remote: this consists of the effects of the legal fact.
Additionally, to check whether actions are similar, it is required that the near and remote cause of action are identical. Identical actions presuppose identity of parts, of the (indirect / immediate) request and of the cause of asking (near and remote).
Any action gives opportunity to the defense. The "principle of the contradictory" teaches that actions are not unilateral and the other party has a right to act in his defense. If for the filing of the action the plaintiff's legitimacy and interest are essential, the same takes place with the defense.
Types of defense
Challenge: the most ordinary form of defense. The defendant contests the claim present in the initial application (they may also allege that the prerequisites for the commencement of legal proceedings were absent, or that procedural deficiencies occurred).
Counterclaims: The defendant expands the scope of the judgment, bringing a claim against the plaintiff, which is connected with the plaintiff's initial claim, to be decided by the same court.
To claim exceptions in a strict sense (exceptions that cannot be determined by the judge) the plaintiff alleges facts such as:
Incompetence: Only admissible for relative incompetence. Cannot be alleged by the court, and the failure of contending parties to claim it means that competence will be assumed.
Impediment: As a rule, impediments refer to an internal relation to the process.
Suspicion: this refers to a fact external to the process. It is something that affects the impartiality of the judge and that is not part of the action.
Exceptions are classified as procedural exception (there are deficiencies in the prerequisites for the commencement of legal proceedings or procedural deficiencies) and substantial exception (directed at the merit of the demand). They can be direct (defense against the claim itself) or indirect (allegations of impeditive, modificative or extintive facts against the right of the plaintiff).
This rather technical text required some research on my part in order to find equivalent terms in English for Brazilian law terminologies and concepts. It serves as a brief overview of the elements of an action in Brazilian law, which might help foreign readers who are interested in the Brazilian legal system, particularly lawyers or legal translators; it might also assist either Brazilian law students or interested laypeople in understanding how a court action works.
The elements of actions serve to identify them, which enables repetition in judgement to be prevented, making, thus, the incidence of lis pendens impossible (when the same proposed action is identical to the current), or even to avoid the incidence of the res judicata (when the same action is proposed after it has been judged previously). An action is identical to another when it has the same parts, the same cause of action and the same request.
It is important to study the elements of an action because these are among the requisites of an initial request, and lead to the recognition of its essential elements, ensuring that the initial application is not refused.
These are the elements of an action: parties, request (merits) and cause of action.
active subject-> plaintiff
passive subject-> defendant
several plaintiffs-> coplaintiffs
several defendants-> codefendants
several plaintiffs + several defendants-> coparty
This consists of the claim on behalf of the plaintiff, or the defendant if the action is at a later stage.
It comprises:
Immediate request: This is the law article upon which the petition is based. It can be declaratory (explanatory; designed to fix or elucidate what before was uncertain or doubtful), condemnatory (sentence or judgment which condemns someone to do, to give, or to pay something, or which declares that his claim or pretensions are unfounded) or constitutive (creates or modifies a legal relationship - a new legal status is created).
Indirect request: This constitutes the material things or immaterial things wanted. For example, the delivery of certain property or the receiving of determined credit.
For there to be identical actions, for lis pendens or for res judicata to occur, it is necessary that, besides the parts and cause of action being identical, the indirect and immediate requests are also identical.
Causes of Action
Legal fact that supports the claim being made, as well as its effects. In other words, it is the explanation for why something is requested in court.
Legal basis is not the citation of legal or prescriptive texts, arguments of doctrine or jurisprudence. Such citations are necessary to produce a conviction, though they are not compulsory (if this wasn't so, actions without such sitations would be inept).
The cause of action can be:
Near: basis of the legal fact that supports the claim.
Remote: this consists of the effects of the legal fact.
Additionally, to check whether actions are similar, it is required that the near and remote cause of action are identical. Identical actions presuppose identity of parts, of the (indirect / immediate) request and of the cause of asking (near and remote).
Any action gives opportunity to the defense. The "principle of the contradictory" teaches that actions are not unilateral and the other party has a right to act in his defense. If for the filing of the action the plaintiff's legitimacy and interest are essential, the same takes place with the defense.
Types of defense
Challenge: the most ordinary form of defense. The defendant contests the claim present in the initial application (they may also allege that the prerequisites for the commencement of legal proceedings were absent, or that procedural deficiencies occurred).
Counterclaims: The defendant expands the scope of the judgment, bringing a claim against the plaintiff, which is connected with the plaintiff's initial claim, to be decided by the same court.
To claim exceptions in a strict sense (exceptions that cannot be determined by the judge) the plaintiff alleges facts such as:
Incompetence: Only admissible for relative incompetence. Cannot be alleged by the court, and the failure of contending parties to claim it means that competence will be assumed.
Impediment: As a rule, impediments refer to an internal relation to the process.
Suspicion: this refers to a fact external to the process. It is something that affects the impartiality of the judge and that is not part of the action.
Exceptions are classified as procedural exception (there are deficiencies in the prerequisites for the commencement of legal proceedings or procedural deficiencies) and substantial exception (directed at the merit of the demand). They can be direct (defense against the claim itself) or indirect (allegations of impeditive, modificative or extintive facts against the right of the plaintiff).
The exceptions claimed by the defense, termed effects, can be:
Dilatory: there is simply a delay in the course of the process, as in the case of exception due to suspicion or incompetence of the judge.
Peremptory: this aims to extinguish the action, through the allegation of an exception, such as the allegation of res judicata.
Dilatory: there is simply a delay in the course of the process, as in the case of exception due to suspicion or incompetence of the judge.
Peremptory: this aims to extinguish the action, through the allegation of an exception, such as the allegation of res judicata.
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